
Catching a Lift

By June 6, 2014 No Comments

LiftbagJEH3610lDSMB Skills for Rebreather Diving

Have you practiced using your Delayed Surface Marker Buoy (DSMB) recently, or is it stashed rotting in a pack attached to your backplate? Some divers use these devices every single time they go diving, but others are most accustomed to descending and ascending on an anchor line.  You owe it to yourself to ensure that you are well practiced in launching a lift bag in case you need it. Sometimes DSMBs are a routine part of a drift diver while other times, they are only used by divers who have become separated from the boat. My favorite lift bag is a DSMB made by Custom Divers. This device has a built in radar reflector (now they have luminous versions too) and creates a very tall, detectable orange mast on the surface. The bag itself can be filled with a CO2 cartridge or inflated with an LP inflator. This works well for me in terms of minimizing gas use and  getting the entire package well out in front of me for lift off. I use a spool instead of a reel so entanglements are less likely. Even if I lose control of the spool, I can let go of it and it usually unfurls right back down to me in a minute or so. Whatever your choice of marking device, practice it often, so when you need it most, you are proficient and successful in the launch.


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Author Jill Heinerth

Cave diving explorer, author, photographer, artist

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