Robert McClellan

Amazon FBA book released on Kindle

By July 31, 2015 No Comments

7StepsAmazonFBAAVATARRobert McClellan has released a new Kindle book to help people interested in getting into private labeling on Amazon. 7 Basics Steps to Amazon FBA Private Label Success  is a great overview of the process to create your own private label, white labeled products to sell using the Fulfilled By Amazon, (FBA) method on Amazon. This is a great resource for beginners or a refresher for sellers with some knowledge of FBA sales. In very plain language, you are taken through the steps to set up accounts, source, list, package, and ship your unique private labeled products on one of the world’s largest marketplaces. Using his own experience with private labeling a product, Robert McClellan, an Amazon FBA professional seller, walks you through the actions needed to successfully become a Private Label FBA Seller. Easy to read, in everyday language, with helpful illustrations.

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Author Jill Heinerth

Cave diving explorer, author, photographer, artist

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