

The Greatest Generation

By | All Posts, Robert McClellan | No Comments

It wasn’t supposed to be like this You have seen us around. Marching like lemmings into big box home centers, we try to reconnect with our self reliant ancestry. Our grandfather’s built their own houses, but we need Bob Vila to show us how to fix the ceiling fan. We are secretly dark men. Hating ourselves while taking long drags on unfiltered Camels, we are miserable. Born into the most prosperous and dynamic generation in history, we pissed much of our potential away. Our superficial mantra is “He who dies with the most toys wins.” To this end, we shine custom chromed…

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Scared in America

By | All Posts, Robert McClellan | No Comments

America scares the shit out of me. As I travel outside the United States, I am increasingly aware that my beloved country is reeling off the tracks. Economic security is a luxury only the wealthiest can afford, and physical safety can no longer be taken for granted. When I drive across the aptly-named Peace bridge from Buffalo, New York, into Ontario, Canada, a perceived weight is lifted from my shoulders. Suddenly, I don’t have to be on security alert, with my head on a constant swivel, in a state of hyper readiness to defend my wife or myself from assault, armed robbery…

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